Some consultants have a negative reputation of offering boiler plate solutions. Often times, this comes in the form of a “how to” manual. You write them a check, you get the “how to” manual, then they walk away. You are hopeful and excited, but over the next few days, weeks, and months the recommendations still look good on paper but have not been integrated into your company. As an owner, you get busy and your people get busy; consequently, the hard work of implementing the necessary changes gets pushed to the sidelines as things go back to “normal.” Hence, your investment is wasted.
Integrated Executive Solutions doesn’t just provide consulting; we provide knowledge and know-how. What you need are customized solutions that fit your business and you need someone to implement those solutions to accomplish your goals.
In the world of business, execution is paramount. You need someone to help implement a solution that takes root in your organization. People need to be trained, mentored, and a process implemented. There will be exceptions that need to be addressed – and yes – the process will need to be further improved. Integrated Executive Solutions will professionally design, implement, and refine the necessary business process(es) to bring maximum value to your business.
Integrated: We will become part of your organization and team. We are available at all times for any questions or concerns – and we will be on site (or available remotely) every week or at the agreed level of integration.
Executive: More than just consulting, we act as your CEO, CFO, COO, etc. Your business deserves the best. Everyone wants the experience and direction provided by a seasoned C-level executive but not every business can afford one full time . We make it possible to get 100% of the expertise you need for a fraction of the cost.
Solutions: We will help you accomplish your goals and objectives. We can increase our involvement with your company as your needs change or because of growth. The longer we are involved, the more results accumulate and compound; thus, further increasing your business’s value.